Lunch with Joe and Margorie Dusek
Posted by Lee Clayton
on Aug 31, 2011
Thirteen Denison Rotarians had a modified Rotary meeting with Joe and Margorie Dusek at lunch at noon on Thursday, August 31 at Wesley Village.
Thirteen Denison Rotarians had a modified Rotary meeting with Joe and Margorie Dusek at lunch at noon on Thursday, August 31 at Wesley Village. We had a great meeting including everything we normally do during a Denison Rotary meeting...EXCEPT singing! We all talked about how Rotary had impacted our lives and especially what Joe had meant to us personally, to the club, and to the Denison community. It was a great opportunity to listen to Joe as he recalled things in the past and he named off the 5 Rotary International Conventions he had attended! As I left, his daughter Chi Chi mentioned that he could always welcome the opportunity for individual Rotarians to just stop by for a few minutes to talk. Let's make sure that we don't forget Joe just because he is not well enough to attend our Thursday meetings. If you do go by, drop me a note so I can keep up with when Rotarians visit. Lee Clayton